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The Inspé - IUT library of Digne offers 43 hours of weekly opening, 20 seats, public computer stations connected to the Internet, wifi coverage, a photocopying and printing service, as well as reservations and interlibrary loans (PEB).

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Inspé library works in partnership with Canopé de l'académie d'Aix-Marseille, a network for educational creation and support. Through this partnership, library users have access to the documentary spaces and services of the Canopé network, as well as to its range of digital resources for education (provision and support for usage).

Opening hours

Week 30: July 22 to 28

Useful info


15 avenue Joseph-Reinach

04002 Digne-les-Bains


Tel: 04 13 55 23 61

Library of the Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education (Inspé) and the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) of Digne

Access :

Ten minutes' walk from the bus station and town center.


44.095, 6.23286

The collections of the Inspé - IUT library of Digne are adapted to the teaching, competition preparation and research carried out on the Inspé de Digne site. They provide reference documentation for teaching, education and training professionals, and are multidisciplinary in nature.

A rich collection of children's literature is also available to readers.

The collections are also tailored to the training courses offered at the IUT: regional planning and the environment, economic development and business start-ups, the social economy, tourism and logistics quality.

To find Inspé - IUT library documents, consult the catalog.

Need help?

Do you have a question? A librarian will answer you immediately by chat or within 48 working hours by e-mail.

We mainly answer questions about AMU services, collections and research tools.


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