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Publications, open archive, copyright

The opening up of publications is part of the open science movement, to make scientific research and research data accessible to everyone.

Aix-Marseille University wishes to ensure the widest possible access to the scientific output of its community, in keeping with its missions of transmitting knowledge, developing scientific and technological research, and disseminating and promoting its results in the service of society.

AMU libraries offer a range of services to help the AMU scientific community make the most of their publications: advice on copyright, help with filing in the HAL AMU open archive, information on Open Science activities, training, etc.


    The HAL AMU open archive provides open access to the scientific output of the University's members. Researchers can deposit their scientific papers as soon as they have been published, thereby contributing to the dissemination of knowledge.

    The latest submissions can also be viewed on the @HAL_AMU X account.

    Contact :

  • Reservoar, open science news at AMU


    All the latest news on open science at AMU, shared by members of the Open Science unit: training materials, assessments, reports on seminars, etc.

    Contact :

  • Open access guide

    What is open access? How is it implemented at AMU? And how can I integrate it into my research activities? This guide covers the theoretical and practical aspects of open access.

    Contact :

  • Anti-plagiarism system at AMU

    Aix-Marseille University has adopted a statement against plagiarism in academic work, and also has a plagiarism detection solution. To raise awareness of this issue within the university community, a guide offers practical advice, tutorials and games to help you adopt good citation practices and avoid plagiarism.

    Contact :

  • Training

    • Meetings with researchers and research support teams to discuss publication issues, open access... Remote or face-to-face on request.
    • A training course for AMU staff (linked to continuing education and available on GEFORP): "Discovering Open Science", "Understanding the challenges of Open Science through publications and research data".

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